Of Blacke Cholor,

is a group of pieces that draw from 19th-century American Spiritualism, spagyric medicine, cancer care, and allopathy.

I built the objects and collected the sounds that make up Of Blacke Cholor. I read and referenced and leaned on Anne Boyer, Audre Lorde, Fred Ho, and Susan Sontag while I was putting these pieces together. Sound artist Weston Olencki designed and coded the electronics, and engineered the audio used. Thank you to Shana Crawford, Natalie Greffel, Owen Gerber-Hatem, Willa Glickman, Matt Mahoney, Dylan O’Hara, Hector Gonzalez-Orozco and Richard Wei Semus for providing vocal audio samples for the Magnetic Cord.

The Magnetic Cord,

arising from the circle of individuals, rest on the knees of each, and be gently grasped by all hands.

The Vials of Curative,

are cancer remedies described by Dioscorides in his De materia medica.

The Antiperspirant Applicator,

coats surfaces in a layer of antiperspirant.

The Trumpet In The Light,

facilitates communication between corporeal beings and non-corporeal beings. It possesses the ability to answer questions about cancers or any other subject matter. You are welcome to make a statement instead of asking a question when addressing the Trumpet In the Light, or to tell it about your day, or to describe yourself. After you are finished speaking, it will offer a response.


Videos and Recordings